
Looking for creative ideas for yourself, your kids, and your home? You’ve come to the right place!

What is Stellar Craftography?

1. an activity involving skill in making things by hand.

combining form
1. indicating a form or process of writing, representing, etc.

Combining the two terms to form craftography yields “the process of writing about things made by hand.” Stellar Craftography is a play on words for “stellar cartography,” which is a department on starships in Star Trek, most notably on the USS Enterprise D.

About this blog

As a full-time engineer, my leisure time to spend with kids, craft, and try new recipes is limited, and so Stellar Craftography was born to organize my passions into one place and share that passion with others. I strive to make the most of the time I have, and I hope these stellar ideas help you too!

FiberCraft is all about knitting, crocheting, sewing, anything else made out of fibers (like this beautiful Lace Beaded Wedding Shawl) – this is probably my favorite hobby!

KidCraft is for crafting with kids and raising kids (like these valentines for preschoolers)

FoodCraft has recipes and foods that I made (like these Fancy Scrambled Eggs)

MomCraft is all about being the mom in the house, organizing and maintaining sanity through the millions of things we have to do (like how to organize your tea collection or your kitchen)

ArtCraft is what I do with a paintbrush or for other crafties that are not made of fiber or food

About me

Obviously, I am a huge geek and love Star Trek (and sci-fi in general).

I am a mom to two extremely active little boys. My oldest, “J,” currently wants to be a scientist (before that it was a Lego engineer), so we enjoy doing all kinds of experiments and engineering activities at home. My youngest, “Z,” loves to watch, especially when he can play with the results. When he is older, I am sure he will join us in the mad science lab. That is, if he can sit still through an experiment.

I have been knitting since I was a kid and I learned to crochet as a teenager, so those are my favorite crafting activities. I have been trying to get into sewing more seriously, but it has not been a priority. I painted in college, but that also fell by the wayside after I had kids. With the time I have, I must prioritize what projects I undertake.

Join me in my journey to craft my way in this hectic world!